CHARSIU (non marinated). The best Char Siu recipe with perfect Cantonese BBQ char siu pork and sweet char siu Before you marinate the pork belly, you will need to make the Char Siu Sauce. to process non-sensitive data such as IP address, unique ID, and browsing data for the. Char Siu is a fragrant and delicious Chinese BBQ pork usually made using pork shoulder or pork belly. It is marinated in a homemade sauce for hours before being cooked over a charcoal grill.
It is classified as a type of siu mei (燒味), Cantonese roasted meat.
Pork cuts used for char siu can vary, but a few main cuts are common: Pork loin.
Traditionally, char siu is usually made with pork marinated in sauces, usually dyed with red color.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kalian dapat memasak CHARSIU (non marinated) hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin CHARSIU (non marinated) yuk!
Bahan-bahan CHARSIU (non marinated)
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 kg of daging babi + lemak.
- Siapkan of Bumbu halus:.
- Diperlukan 6 siung of bawang merah, kupas.
- Diperlukan 3 siung of bawang putih, kupas.
- Sediakan 1 sdt of angkak, rendam air panas sebentar, tiriskan.
- Sediakan 3 cm of jahe, kupas, haluskan.
- Gunakan 6 sdm of gula pasir.
- Sediakan 1 sdt of garam.
- Diperlukan 4 gelas of air.
- Siapkan 2 sdm of arak beras.
The strips of pork are skewered and then cook over an open fire. You will find recipes cooking char siu in the oven too, like in this recipe. Char siu, or Chinese barbecued pork, is a sweet and savory Cantonese classic. The name of the dish literally translates to "fork-roasted," in reference to how it was traditionally cooked: skewered onto a long fork and roasted in an oven or over an open fire.
Cara membuat CHARSIU (non marinated)
- Haluskan bahan bumbu: bawang merah, bawang putih dan angkak yg sudah dicuci dengan air panas. Sisihkan dulu..
- Siapkan daging babi + lemaknya. Iris ukurang sedang, jangan terlalu kecil..
- Letakkan daging pada wadah masak (Saya pakai Teflon), lalu tambahkan bumbu halusnya..
- Lalu tambahkan air. Aduk rata..
- Kemudian tambahkan jahe yang sudah dihaluskan, aduk rata..
- Lalu tambahkan juga, gula dan garam, aduk rata..
- Kemudian nyalakan apinya, gunakan API SEDANG CENDERUNG KECIL supaya daging matang merata, tapi tidak mudah gosong..
- Masak sambil diaduk dan dibolak balik, sampai air habis. Ketika air sudah hampir habis, siramkan dengan arak beras. Lalu matikan api. Charsiu siap disajikan dengan nasi hangat dan sambal rebus. Saran Penyajian: iris2 tipis charsiu sebelum disajikan, kombinasi lapisan warna kulit merah dan daging putih, akan makin menggugah selera makan. Selamat mencoba!.
The only non-vegetarian ingredient in traditional char siu is the pork, so if you find a sauce recipe you love, use it with Stir thoroughly with a whisk. Marinate the tofu pieces in a pan or plastic bag with the char siu sauce for at least several hours and preferably overnight. I've only ever made baked char siu bao once. It was not that they weren't super-tasty, they were. Obviously, there are more ways to Traditional Char Siu needs red fermented beancurd for deep flavor and red color.