Gado Gado Simple. It's typically made with vegetables, protein (such as egg, tempeh, and/or tofu), a nutty sauce, and sometimes rice or rice crackers. Once the water is boiling, add rice noodles and turn off the heat. Drain and rinse under cool water to stop the cooking process.
In Indonesia, gado-gado is not a salad dish group, it is a one dish meal.
Speaking about gado-gado in Indonesia, several different numbers of gado-gado were developed based on the region.
Gado Gado is a mega salad that's intended to be served as a main course salad.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, sobat dapat membuat Gado Gado Simple hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Gado Gado Simple yuk!
Bahan Gado Gado Simple
- Dibutuhkan 2 Ikat of Kangkung.
- Siapkan 1 bh of Jagung (serut).
- Sediakan 1 bh of Wortel (potong kecil).
- Gunakan 1 Ikat of kacang panjang (sy mix buncis krn kurang).
- Diperlukan 1/4 Papan of Tempe (potong dadu, goreng).
- Dibutuhkan 4 buah of Tahu (potong dadu, goreng).
- Sediakan 2 bh of Mentimun (potong kecil).
- Siapkan 50 gr of (kurleb) Taoge.
- Sediakan 2 bh of Kentang (rebus).
- Dibutuhkan 4 butir of Telor (rebus).
- Siapkan of Bumbu Pecel instant merk apa aja.
- Gunakan of Kecap manis.
But it also works beautifully as part of a spread for sharing. Wayan's super simple gado-gado Gado-gado is one of Indonesia's most famous dishes, and with good reason- it's delicious! The combination of sweet, spicy peanut sauce with crisp vegetables and soft potatoes or congealed rice really is something a bit different the first time you try it, too. No matter if you have picky eaters they will rave over this from the first to the last bite.
Cara membuat Gado Gado Simple
- Potong2 sayuran, cuci bersih, goreng tempe dan tahu. Sisihkan..
- Rebus masing2 sayuran, angkat tiriskan dalam piring saji. Rebus telor dan kentang bersamaan (karena yg paling lama matang)..
- Sajikan semua bahan. Lalu siapkan bumbu pecel dalam mangkok, ambil secukupnya dalam mangkok, cairkan dengan air panas, aduk rata. Sajikan dengan tambahan kecap manis... Praktis bukan?😄.
Naturally vegan and a family favorite for everyone. This Gado Gado Sauce is made with simple ingredients, packed with flavor and a staple not only for Gado Gado. It is naturally vegan, and so satisfying. The bulk of the work associated with gado gado is simple veggie prep, which somehow manages to feel healthy, as if handling massive piles of bright vegetable matter translates nutrients into the. Gado-Gado - Indonesian Salad with Peanut Sauce.