Gado-Gado simple. Gado Gado is a mega salad that's intended to be served as a main course salad. But it also works beautifully as part of a spread for sharing. At the heart of any gado-gado is the spicy peanut sauce: Some versions call for tamarind, lime, terasi (shrimp paste) or coconut milk.
It's typically made with vegetables, protein (such as egg, tempeh, and/or tofu), a nutty sauce, and sometimes rice or rice crackers.
Gado gado is a popular Indonesian salad dish that's crunchy, colourful, and full of plant-based protein And we think it makes the perfect midday meal, especially if you're making a little bit of an effort to up your plant based proteins.
Once the water is boiling, add rice noodles and turn off the heat.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kalian dapat membuat Gado-Gado simple hanya dengan menggunakan 15 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Gado-Gado simple!
Bahan Gado-Gado simple
- Sediakan 150 gram of kacang tanah (bersih dr kulit ari nya).
- Gunakan 6 buah of Cabe merah.
- Diperlukan 15 buah of cabe Rawit Merah.
- Diperlukan 3 siung of bawang putih.
- Siapkan 4 siung of bawang merah.
- Dibutuhkan 2 of glinding gula merah/ gula jawa.
- Sediakan 2 lembar of daun jeruk purut (buang tulang daun nya).
- Dibutuhkan of kencur 1 cm * bisa d skip klo gx suka.
- Dibutuhkan of garam sckpny.
- Dibutuhkan 250 gram of boncis.
- Dibutuhkan 2 buah of wortel ukur sedang.
- Gunakan 2 butir of telur ayam (kalau ada.. rebus stlh dingin potong mnjadi 2).
- Sediakan sesuai selera of kubis.
- Gunakan 1 buah of Mentimun (jika suka).
- Sediakan of bisa di tambah sayuran lain jika anda suka.
Drain and rinse under cool water to stop the cooking process. Return cooked rice noodles to the pot and add charred green beans, shredded carrot, sliced peach, mint leaves, and lime juice. No matter if you have picky eaters they will rave over this from the first to the last bite. Naturally vegan and a family favorite for everyone.
Cara memasak Gado-Gado simple
- Untuk Sambal : Goreng (cabe merah cabe rawit bawang m bawang p) hingga matang.. kemudian tiriskan.
- Masukan bahan (nomer 1) ke dalam lemper / alu tumbuk lembut masukan garam, kencur, asam(*jika ada) dan potongan daun jeruk.. haluskan yg terakhir masukan gula merah / gula jawa haluskan hingga tercampur rata.
- Rebus sayuran (wortel, kobis, buncis) scr bergantian dng air yg di ganti.
- Potong" mentimun sesuai selera.
- Jika ada lontong potong" masukan k dalam piring saji.
- Beri toping sayuran yg sdh d rebus jika ada tambah krupuk telur rebus tempe goreng lalu siram dengab saus sambal kacang dan sajikan.
- Terima kasih sudah Menyimak Resep Saya.. #Liza.
The bulk of the work associated with gado gado is simple veggie prep, which somehow manages to feel healthy, as if handling massive piles of bright vegetable matter translates nutrients into the. Gado-gado is one of the well-known dishes from Indonesia. Gado-gado literally means "mix mix" since gado-gado is the plural word of gado, so gado-gado means mixes. An Indonesian Extravaganza: yellow rice on a bed of spinach covered with veggies, tofu and hardboiled eggs. A gingery peanut sauce gets drizzled over the top, and crunchy, flavorful "final.