Mochi Simpel. Side note: the mochi dough is SUPER sticky, so be sure to prepare your surface and hands with startch before making the balls. Otherwise, very yummy and easy and fun! Now what makes this particular homemade mochi recipe the best one you've ever had is because you can personalize it!
Tips for Making the Perfect Mochi Cake.
If there are bubbles on the surface, simply pop them out with a toothpick.
Making mochi without rice flour is really easy!
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Mochi Simpel hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Mochi Simpel yuk!
Bahan Mochi Simpel
- Diperlukan 250 gr of tepung beras ketan (rose brand).
- Sediakan 65 ml of kara.
- Diperlukan 230 ml of air.
- Siapkan of Pewarna makanan (hijau).
- Siapkan Sejumput of garam.
- Dibutuhkan of Isian.
- Sediakan 200 gr of kacang tanah.
- Diperlukan 2 sendok of gula (selera).
- Sediakan 2 sendok of air.
- Siapkan of Taburan.
- Gunakan 200 gr of maizena (sangrai).
Actually, I think you'll be surprised at how simple it is and how quickly it comes together! First, gluttonous rice is soaked for a few hours. This allows the grain to state with water. The rice is then drained and ground into a paste with a few tablespoons of water.
Langkah-langkah membuat Mochi Simpel
- Campurkan bahan. Tepung beras, kara, air, lalu aduk hingga tak bergerindil. Lalu masukan 2 tetes pewarna makanan. Sebelumnya jangan lupa panaskan kukusan..
- Lalu adonan yang sudah di aduk2, masukan ke wadah anti panas (saya pakai rantang dan dilapisi plastik) lalu tuang adonan. Fungsi plastik agar nanti adonan tidak lengket di wadah..
- Ketika air kukusan sudah mendidih, masukan wadah berisi adonan td. Kukus selama 20 menit..
- Sambil menunggu adonan matang, kita sangrai isian mochi. Sangrai kacang smp wangi, angkat lalu blender bersama gula. Aduk2. Sisihkan..
- Angkat adonan tadi. Angin2kan. Lalu taro di wadah kasih maizena sangrai agar tidak lengket, ambil adonan sedikit demi sedikit bulet2in kasih isi. Dan taburkan maizena sangrai. Selesai.
Mochi, pronounced [Mo-CHI] is an irresistible treat that can be used in many ways, whether it's Strawberry Daifuku Mochi, Mochi ice cream, etc. Mochi is a Japanese rice cake that is made from mochigome (aka Glutinous rice) which is most of the time sweet. It has a chewy, sticky texture that is naturally white. All you need is a microwave! Recipe can be multiplied, but I usually just make a small batch.