Dango mochi. Find Deals on Dango Mochi in Baking Supplies on Amazon. A favorite, especially among children, is chi chi dango (sometimes spelled as chichi dango), a bite-sized mochi (rice cake) dessert that is pillowy soft and sweetened with sugar and coconut milk then baked in the oven. This dessert, which originated in Japan, is quite popular in Hawaii and can be found pre-made at select Japanese grocery stores Dango is a Japanese dumpling and sweet made from mochiko (), related to mochi.
It is eaten year-round, but the different varieties are traditionally eaten in given seasons.
Warabi Mochi: a jelly-like confection made from Bracken starch and covered in kinako (sweet toasted soybean flour).
Dango is a general name for small ball-shaped mochi dumplings.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, teman-teman dapat membuat Dango mochi hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Dango mochi yuk!
Bahan-bahan Dango mochi
- Siapkan 100 gr of tepung ketan.
- Siapkan 100 gr of tepung beras.
- Gunakan 6 sdm of gula pasir / sesuai selera.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt of garam.
- Gunakan of Pasta strawberry.
- Dibutuhkan of Pasta pandan.
Usually the mochi itself is not sweetened, but toppings and sauces are. Dango are often skewered on bamboo sticks so they are easier (and more fun!) to eat. Product Description Japan is known worldwide for being the country of mochi, which is a traditional rice cake usually eaten for dessert. Hanami dango is a version of mochi especially eaten during ohanami (flower viewing) season.
Cara memasak Dango mochi
- Campur tepung ketan, tepung beras, gula pasir & garam..
- Beri air sedikit demi sedikit lalu uleni hingga mudah dibentuk & tidak lengket ditangan..
- Bagi menjadi 3 bagian, beri pasta pandan & strawberry lalu satu biarkan plain. Bentuk bulat2 kecil..
- Didihkan air lalu masak adonan gantian tiap warna. Masak hingga dango mengapung lalu tiriskan..
- Gunakan tusuk sate utk menusuk dango. Selamat mencoba๐๐๐.
This dango is covered in sugar crystals and is meant to resemble the seasonal treat that is Mitarashi Dango is one of the many very traditional Japanese Mochi sweets. Small round Mochi balls are skewered on bamboo sticks and covered with a gooey sweet and salty brown sauce. Mitarashi Dango is a great snack and quite satisfying without being overly sweet. You may want to try it one afternoon with hot green tea. To make dango, we first make the dough by mixing rice flour (sometimes a mixture of rice flour and glutinous rice flour) with water until it becomes pliable and then forms into balls before boiled.