Warabi Mochi, simpel!. The package comes in clay-colored pebbles (not powders). If you refrigerate warabi mochi, it gets hard. Therefore, true warabi mochi is stored at room temperature all times and it only lasts for a day.
Warabi mochi is made by dissolving sugar and the starch from warabi bracken (a type of edible fern) in water, letting it set into a jelly-like mixture, and dusting it with kinako soy bean flour.
This is a very simple recipe, yet the dessert it makes is sweet, subtly nutty, and has a deliciously chewy texture.
TRADITIONAL JAPANESE RECIPE: Here's another recipe for Mochi!
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kalian dapat memasak Warabi Mochi, simpel! hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Warabi Mochi, simpel!!
Bahan Warabi Mochi, simpel!
- Gunakan 100 gr of Tepung warabi mochi (bisa diganti tepung tapioka).
- Sediakan 100 gr of gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 400 ml of air.
- Diperlukan of Topping:.
- Siapkan 30 gr of tepung kedelai.
This is traditionally eaten at New Year's for good luck, but it is so delicious and easy to make you will find that people eat it all the time as a treat with tea. Another traditional use for kinako is another wagashi, called Warabi Mochi (蕨餅). Warabi Mochi is made from braken fern starch, which makes it more jelly-like than. Warabi Mochi Recipe We had our first taste of warabi mochi on the basement floor of the Tokyu department store in Shibuya, Tokyo.
Langkah-langkah memasak Warabi Mochi, simpel!
- Siapkan loyang (berukuran ±24×24cm) letakan baking sheet diatas loyang. Lalu taburi 15 gr tepung kedelai di atas baking sheet....
- Campurkan tepung, gula pasir dan air di dalam 'sauce pan' (ukuran medium), aduk hingga merata..
- Nyalakan api (jangan terlalu besar), lalu aduk-aduk sampai adonan mengental (kira-kira 10 menit) atau berubah warna menjadi bening..
- Jika sudah mendidih dan mengental, tuang warabi mochi diatas baking sheet yang sudah ditaburi tepung kedelai tadi. Lalu ratakan warabi mochi, sebelum dingin..
- Lalu taburkan 15 gr tepung kedelai. Simpan di dalam kulkas selama 20 menit..
- Jika sudah 20 menit, potong dadu warabi mochi...
- Jadi deh... Selamat mencoba😊👍.
Warabi Mochi (わらび餅) As the name indicates, "Warabi Mochi (わらび餅") is a simple jelly-like confection traditionally made from bracken-root starch called "Warabiko (わらび粉)" and sweetened with sugar. It is chewy like real Mochi rice cake and typically served with Kinako roasted soybean flour and Kuromitsu black. We've shared our recipe for a modern Singaporean take on the Japanese warabi mochi (bracken starch dumplings), kissed with smoky gula melaka. Now, here's a traditional one, where the kinako powder (soybean flour) topping is tossed with a good hit of matcha powder, giving the jelly-like dumplings a lovely grassy, earthy hit. Use the best quality green tea powder you can find, since it'll.