Mochi. All you need are a few basic ingredients that you can find at your local Asian market. Mixing your own dough will allow you to customize the mochi flavors to your taste and you'll be able to shape, cut, or fill the mochi however. Mochi's ingredients are so simple it's downright impressive.
Mochi is usually made from sweet rice (also called Mochi rice) cooked and pounded until it becomes a paste that is very sticky and smooth, then formed into cakes or blocks.
It is often eaten in New Year's Ozoni soup or baked with.
Mochi, the tiny cakes made out of glutinous rice, are an important part of Japanese cuisine and culture.
Kamu dapat menyiapkan Mochi hanya dengan menggunakan 12 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Mochi!
Bahan-bahan Mochi
- Sediakan of bahan a.
- Sediakan 200 ml of susu.
- Gunakan 65 ml of santan instant (kata).
- Diperlukan 60 gr of gula pasir.
- Gunakan 1 sdm of minyak goreng.
- Diperlukan Sejumput of garam (0psional).
- Sediakan of bahan b.
- Siapkan 165 gr of tepung ketan.
- Dibutuhkan 15 gr of maizena.
- Dibutuhkan of bahan c.
- Dibutuhkan 6 sdm of maizena.
- Sediakan of Isian coklat, kacang hijau, (optional).
The preparation of mochi starts with a time-consuming Mochi can be incorporated in savory dishes, usually soups and snacks, but most commonly it is made into a confectionery item. Mochi Ice Cream has taken the world by storm. It's a sweet treat and an innovative new take on ice cream that people are enjoying internationally. You and I know Mochi Ice Cream as a rice ball with delicious premium ice cream on the inside, but the word mochi actually has a larger meaning in Japan.
Langkah-langkah memasak Mochi
- Siapkan baskom 2, baskom bahan A -- campur semuanya aduk rata.
- Bahan B--- campur semua sampai rata.
- Bahan C maizena di sangrai utuk taburan / selimut ( agar tidak lengket mochi.
- Masukan bahan B ke bahan A aduk rata saring ke tempat mangkok anti panas olesi minyak goreng (biar saat di kukus tidak lengket).
- Kukus adonan sampai matang (biar tahu adonan sdh matang/ belum tusuk dgn tusukan gigi) angkat dan tuang ke baskom aduk dgn spatula hingga rata dan lemas.
- Letakan bahan no 5 ke papan yg sudah di taburi BAHAN C, dan bahan mochi jg hrs di taburi bahan c,pipihkan dgn rolling (ketebalan selera y...) potong kotak2.
- Boleh jg di timbang adonan mochi biar bentuknya sm, mulai di isi dgn selai (sy di sini pakai kacang hijau, 🙂) setelah itu selimuti mochi dgn BAHAN C.
- Jadi deh... ☺ mochi siap di sajikan,,, super lembut.. Dan bakalan nagih makannya☺, selamat mencoba.
Mochi (Japanese: 餅; Chinese: 麻糬) is a Japanese rice cake made by pounding glutinous rice into a paste and molding it into shapes which can be eaten right away, or cured and dried for later use. Mochi is used to make a variety of traditional Japanese sweets, and cooked in soups. · Ube mochi are vibrant purple bite sized pieces of rich, buttery, chewy goodness. Perhaps more popular in Hawaii is the beloved Hawaiian-Japanese confection known as mochi. You may be familiar with the Japanese sweet of sticky rice balls sometimes filled with sweet red bean paste. Pirince uzun süre dövülerek kıvam verilmesiyle yapılan bu tatlının kıvamı lokum gibi oluyor.