Mochi simpel bikinanku😁😁. Add water and mix thoroughly (will be watery). Cool for a few minutes, if you want. Pinch the mochi over the red bean paste until the paste is completely covered.
Mochi is Japanese sticky rice cake used both in savory and sweet dishes.
Mochi is usually made from sweet rice (also called Mochi rice) cooked and pounded until it becomes a paste that is very sticky and smooth, then formed into cakes or blocks.
It is often eaten in New Year's Ozoni soup or baked with soy sauce.
Kamu dapat menghidangkan Mochi simpel bikinanku😁😁 hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Mochi simpel bikinanku😁😁 yuk!
Bahan Mochi simpel bikinanku😁😁
- Diperlukan 3 sdm of tepung ketan.
- Siapkan 1 sdm of santan kental.
- Gunakan of sdikit garam saja.
- Gunakan of utk isian: q pake crunchy peanut butter.(lbh praktis.hihihii..
- Dibutuhkan of tepung sagu utk taburan.d sangrai dulu yaaa😉.
Mochi is a Japanese rice cake that is made from steamed white rice or glutinous rice. It can also be made from steamed brown rice. Alone, mochi is a staple food in Japanese cuisine, but it also acts as an important ingredient in many Japanese foods such as desserts, soups (both savory and dessert types), and hot pot dishes. It can also be grilled, baked or fried.
Cara membuat Mochi simpel bikinanku😁😁
- Campur tepung ketan dan santan kasih sdikit garam,tmbh air hangat scukupnya saja.aduk hingga kalis.
- Kukus adonan seLama 15 mnt,soalnya cuma sdikit sih...hhhhh.
- Stelah d kukus,tnggu agak anget dikit kmudian ambil spucuk sndok d bikin bulat" lalu d isi dg peanut butter.
- Stelah selesai d bikin bulat" kmudian taburi dg tepung sagu yg sudah d sangrai..
Simply Mochi specializes in creating little sweet bites of perfection and joy for your mouth. Our mochi is hand made everyday, using only the freshest ingredients possible. We strive to provide you a simple ball of happiness that you can enjoy anytime of the day and on all occasions. With our variety of flavors and our seasonal mochi, we want. Mochi is an indica-leaning hybrid strain that promotes creativity and pain relief.